Hair: Grey
Body Type: Heavyset
Age: 50
Status: Married
Name: XxSirSkitzoxX2
216 West Market Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102
1 (973) 230-2856
So she will also be willing to communicate and even force me to because lord knows
theres times when the last thing I want is to talk. Licking the sweat off your balls and playing with that thin piece of skin that makes
a line when you are on your hands and knees. I love women with
tattoos, legitimate pictures not catfishing, just be honest, that is way more attractive. I workout at least
3-4 days a week. Not looking for multiple partners! In my spare time, I coach rugby as I
cant play anymore as I was injured quite bad when I was serving
as a Royal Marine many years ago and had to learn man looking to walk again which was a bit of a pain, otherwise
I cruise about in my 1976 MG midget or blast about
on my motorbike I love live music and theatre, and try to pop and see my fav groups most years either
in concerts or at festivals.